商品名稱 PRODUCT:鋅用除渣劑-ZA-3


用於鋅用除渣的熔劑 ZA-3


ZA-3 是種鋅合金用高級的、無煙的除渣用熔劑。

在熔融的金屬溫度 415 ℃ -425 ℃ 下它能有效地清除氧化物和雜質。



每 一千公斤 的鋅合金要加 3 -5 公斤 的ZA-3 ,數量須依照氧化物的程度及不乾淨的含量而定。



1. 把 ZA-3 倒在勺子上,置於熔湯表面予熱 1-2 分鐘。

2. 把預熱後的 ZA-3 壓到熔湯底部,並且輕微攪動 3-5 分鐘。

3. 當得到一個乾淨、無渣的金屬以後,必須清除金屬表面的雜質,然後可以將清潔的熔湯轉到保溫



包裝: 30KG/ 紙袋



1. 接觸此熔劑時,使用適當的隔離劑。

2. 避免吸入灰燼或蒸氣。

3. 避免直接接觸到眼睛,若感染應用清水清洗 15-20 分。

4. 使用此熔劑時,以肥皂或清水清洗。

μ Description:

ZA-3 is a high-class/smoke-free flux which is used Zinc Alloy.

When the molten temperature reaches the temperature of 415 ℃ to 425 ℃ , it can eliminate oxide and impurities efficiently.

μ Amount to Use ︰

Add3kg – 5kg of ZA-3 per 1000 kg of Zinc Alloy. The amount to use is determined by the level of oxidization and how much does the dirty stuff contained.

μ Recommended Application

1 . Add ZA-3 into the spoon, place it on the surface of the molten metal and warm it up for 1-2 minutes.

2 . Press the heated ZA-3 down to the base of the crucible and stir it for 3-5 minutes.

3 . When the molten metal becomes clean and dreg-free, the impurities on the surface of the molten metal needs to be eliminated. Then transfer it to a warm-keeping furnace.

μ Packaging ︰

30KG /Pager Bag

μ Health and Safety ︰

•  When handling this product, use a suitable barrier cream.

•  Avoid inhaling dust or fume.

•  In the event of eye contact, irrigate with clean water for 15-20 minutes.

•  Wash with soap water after handling.